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Beta Testers, Musicians: Uncle MixMatch Wants You!

Uncle SamFor months now, you, the devoted and kind, have followed this blog with a sense of excitement and expectation. Ok, maybe you haven’t, but that’s certainly how I would have followed it if I were you! And in all these months of posts, you’ve probably noticed both my subtle and blatant references to MMM, mixmatch, MixMatchers, mix match music and the art of mixing and matching. And for all these months, those terms have been, for the most part, largely theoretical, as they spoke to a mindset and practice that had yet to be launched. While I am merely a voice among voices here on a blog about evolving websites and hence evolving music, sponsored by the folks at MMM, I have no direct interaction with the process they have been going through to bring you the product that I so clandestinely promote.

Well “the time has come,” the rabbit said, “to talk of many things!” No longer is the idea of MixMatchMusic theoretical. No longer is the soul and thought behind such a great task and opportunity some shiftless, vaporous entity floating somewhere in the ether of cyberspace. No, my friends, the time has come when we can truly, without reservation or hesitation, throw our hands to the sky in exultant triumph and scream those magic works, “¡Viva La MixMatch!” Now you can create a profile and start right in using the innovative MixMatch sequencer and 1,000s of mBits to make your own music on your home computer. has finally opened its doors for beta testers. While it cannot yet take the full force of users that it will one day soon support, it can be opened to you now by request. If you’re a friend of the makers of MixMatch or a musician that is looking to get involved early and help out with the process of cleaning it up before a full scale public launch to assault all conventional musicians and label executives everywhere, we’re looking for you! So if you’re one of these people, and the MixMatch project is calling your name, shoot me an email here and we’ll get you set-up for the beta test and your first steps into the new and exciting world of MixMatchMusic.

Find Phat Food Fast –

Just a quick note about a very convenient service I found recently. After getting a few fliers in the mail, I finally decided to check out With the tag phrase “Discover who delivers”, I figured it might be worth looking into. Sure enough, this easy-to-use website solves many a late night problem. Simply click on a map or type in your location, check/uncheck the “delivering now” and “online ordering” boxes and even choose what kind of grub you are seeking and – voilà!

All of us have surely at some point stopped and thought, “Damn, if only I knew who else delivered around here. I’m so sick of [insert your local too often visited pizza joint here].” Well, here is the solution. A simple idea, but oddly enough one that no one had seen through to fruition before. The About Us section does a good job explaining why: “It became clear to them why nobody had done this before; this information sucks to collect. Some of the restaurants were unresponsive, some didn’t understand English and others still were just plain rude. is the result of several hundred hours of mind-numbing, data collection.” I, for one, lift my hat off to Matt and Mike for taking one for the team.

So next time you’re up late brainstorming your next million dollar idea, finishing an English essay, laying down that sweet bass track or just too busy to cook, skip the usual Thai place down the street or gyro stand you’ve been to a thousand times and go to to expand your culinary horizon while getting to know your neighborhood a little better. Bon appetit!